Hi. I'm not doing anything. I'm on a swing-shift poker-dealer's schedule so I haven't been appropriately awake in time to look for a job. But I've thought about it and it's either bookstore, coffee house, or maybe Bed Bath and Beyond, just cause I'll need a nice knife when I get an apartment. Anyway, I told someone I would update the blog today, and that's what this is. I know I should tell a few Mexican bus stories, but have had a long lapse in e-mail checking which ended only when I resorted to knowledge of Roland's dial-up password, and am tired of looking at the computer.
Maybe you should get a job eating pudding. Pudding is delicious...
11:42 PM
Actually, the fact that you titled this entry "obligatory" makes me feel crappy. Don't post if you don't want to. I just enjoy it when you post something.
9:56 PM
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