Strike that. Reverse it. On we go!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Hash Browns or Grits?

I worked all weekend. My feet hurt. I almost died of business yesterday. The Dalai Lama is in town and there were all these people come to see him. Waitressing is fucking hard work. There are a lot of things to pay attention to and do all at once and people are grouchy when you forget what you're supposed to ask them about what comes with the T-Bone breakfast. Be nice to your waitress: decide what sides you want beforehand; they're probably listed. Also, tipping is the best. All the other waitresses are really grouchy about getting stiffed. I'm not yet, but I can see getting there. But the people that don't leave any tip aren't going to leave a tip under any circumstances, maybe if they were choking and you heimliched them, so I can't see getting really mad. And I'm not very good at this yet, so I always attribute a small tip to my lack of skills. Someone did tell me the service was very good, actually two people did, so I guess I'm getting better. I'm trying not to be too happy about that. I don't want this to be a meaningful job. I've got to take a nap now. Morning shift sucks.


Blogger Roland said...

Would you say you were more like Alice or Flo?

8:55 AM

Blogger Aurora F. said...

I've yet to ask anyone if they would like to kiss my grits, though I've thought it many times. Here are some of the other people's names: Bea, Della, Levonda and Melba. Which says something about something.

11:35 AM


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