Happy Birthday to Me
I'm 29 now. Which doesn't really mean a lot. I'm in Tucson again, and my host is working till 8 I think. He's going to take me to see that penguin movie later. Penguins are cute.
Here's the birthday cake my step-dad picked out for me for my early family birthday celebration.

I was impressed by his cake-picking skills. Usually someone at home makes a cheesecake or I make my favorite chocolate mousse pie (which is very easy and 1950's seeming, made with Cool Whip and cream cheese). I used to get bakery cakes at my dad's, but those were always simple strawberry/whipped cream cakes from the Chinese bakery (which I adored). Never anything fancy and lovely as this. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Den knew so well what he was about. For their 25th anniversary, he surprised my mom with a gorgeous vintagey diamond ring that she hadn't known she wanted until it was on her finger. Yay Den! The cake was delicious too, chocolate with chocolate frosting inside.
I always like to look at the NYTimes On This Day page on my birthday.
I like my birthday because not too much bad stuff happened on it. No major disasters. Traficant and his stupid hair were expelled from the House. Apollo 11 astronauts came back to earth. Boundaries of modern Turkey were settled. Martin van Buren died at age 79.
Some famous people born on my birthday are:
Anna Paquin (Academy Award winner)
Jennifer Lopez (singer/dancer/actress/marrier)
Kadeem Hardison (Dwayne Wayne on Cosby Show spin-off A Different World)
Karl Malone (basketball player/professional "wrassler")
Barry Bonds (home-run hitter/steroid-user)
Bella Abzug (politician/activist/fancy-hat-wearer)
Amelia Earhart (aviatrix/fashion designer)
Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman)
Dan Hedaya (the dad in Clueless)
Chris Sarandon (Prince Humperdinck in The Princess Bride/Susan's brother)
Michael Richards (Kramer)
Gus van Sant (movie director)
Marc Racicot (RNC chairman, ew!)
Alexandre Dumas pere (3 Musketeers writer)
Robert Graves (poet/critic)
Simon Bolivar (El Liberador)
So it seems like I oughta do something big with my life. I oughta be famous at the very least. I really should get to work on that.
I'm going to Mexico on Friday (Happy Birthday Sarah Z!) and that is when things will get crazy.
Here's a picture of where Benjamin Franklin's waste went.

Wow, that's one fancy ass cake! Happy Birthday, Rory. I miss you.
11:04 PM
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