Strike that. Reverse it. On we go!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Smart Magazines

After going to ED's, I felt inspired to be intelligent again. I read a lot of her poems.

Here's my favorite:

Aurora is the effort
Of the Celestial Face
unconsciousness of Perfectness
To simulate, to Us.

It's not really my favorite. I just like to pretend she was talking about me.

After that, it was Friday. A long day. Ricky and I dropped Kelly off at the mall movie-theater at 9 for work. Then we went to Borders across the mall to get our number to pick up Harry Potter at midnight Saturday a.m. While I was there, I bought the April poetry month issue of The Believer. And also The New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly and Harper's.

We went home and I read my smart magazines for a while (does anyone have strong feelings about Stevie Smith?), then we went back to the mall to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Very weird, Mr. Depp. I recommend it to all. Then back home for more reading. But I watched Anchorman with Ricky and my mom while she cornrowed his hair. My mom laughed at us laughing at it. She doesn't understand how completely brilliant the dumbness of that movie is.

Back to the mall for the 9:40 showing of Wedding Crashers which was also enjoyable silliness, back to Borders to stand in Harry Potter line with about 1000 people (we were #28) and to pretend like I was excited about the whole thing. I said woo! a lot. Screechily. Ricky and Kelly were embarrassed by my behavior. I was tired and very amused by myself. I was smart and stupid all rolled into one.

It's nice when your sister works at the theater and you get to see all the movies for free. It makes the movies seem better than when you pay 7 dollars to see them.

Tomorrow we're off to Philadelphia for 3 days. Pictures and words to come.


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