Lost Goat

About 3 weeks ago, I lost all the music on my i-Pod through leaving it plugged into my computer which went to sleep then woke up, or something weird, making my life suck a little more than it did before. It didn't seem that bad, because most of the stuff on there, I didn't really listen too often, or I had the CD of it here or in CA anyway. I didn't realize how much it sucked until yesterday when I wanted to hear The Mountain Goats (which is really just one guy named John Darnielle) and realized my copy of We Shall All Be Healed, which I illegally copied and which became required listening on all cross-country journeys the past couple summers, was lost. And they don't have it on i-Tunes. Now I'm going to have to leave the house if I want to listen to the best song ever recorded, "Mole," the chorus of which goes "I am a mole sticking my head up through the surface of the earth." It's beautiful, man. Paul and I sang it together in a tent while Sunyoung's head was bleeding on Chris's sleeping bag a few tents over the night David got married. But now I'll be more inclined to buy all the Mountain Goats albums and cherish them and give John Darnielle the money he deserves for his artistry. The moral: hard copies are good. And so are mountain goats.
For a second, I thought the image for this entry was of Edgar Winter, but I realized the goat has more pigment.
I feel a little lame for saying this, but I really love Sufjan Steven's "John Wayne Gacy".
10:16 PM
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