
I've been stealing the internet from someone who seems to have moved away. So now I have to use the terrible 56k modem (horrors!) or leave the house and walk a few blocks away to get the gift of wi-fi from the cafe I like. So, I'm at the cafe after not checking my e-mail for 3 days. I didn't miss much, except the quote of the day in the NY Times daily e-mail was a democrat rep saying "You guys are pathetic" to the republican reps. Let's hear it for oration.
I have a bike which was given to me and which is very heavy, but comfortable to ride because the seat is one of those seats that doesn't have a bar going down from your butt to the frame. I rode it home last night after work and it was cold. It gets cold in the desert at night. Down in the 50's. But it's still in the 80's in the day mostly, esp. in the sun. It's a weird place to live. Weirder than Cali, even.
One of my co-workers wants to tell me her life story, because she thinks it's interesting (for instance, she has been pregnant 14 times but has only given birth to 2 kids) and I'm a writer, but I'm probably just going to write a poem about how, when you were getting a prison tattoo of your old man's name, you'd have a moment of regret, just before your cellmate starts writing with the sharpened staple, about the fact that his name is Roach.
Roach is the name of a very sensitive soul.
10:23 AM
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