My Sister is HOT!
My sister Kelly is awesome. She's beautiful and smart and knows how to lay on the beach in a bikini.

Seriously, she was just doing this. No posing whatsoever.
We went to the beach on the 2nd. I read Vogue mostly (clothes are getting better, I'm happy to report) but also The Pickwick Papers which is pretty fun and also Great Literature. There's a big used book sale at the Unitarian Church on July 9th. I'm very excited to get more books not to read. The Unitarians seem pretty awesome. Here's their church:

I've been better about the teevee (pronounce that Southern, with the accent on the tee). I've watched fewer movies. Phantom of the Opera so I could sing along with my mom and annoy my brother who hates it when we sing even though we're fabulous singers. Tom and Viv which almost counts as something educational because it's about T.S. Eliot and his first crazy wife (who wasn't really crazy, apparently, but hormonally imbalanced and gifted in a society that had no place for gifted women. She got her period too much, but she helped Tom write The Waste Land). But maybe it shouldn't count, because it seems just wrong to have a movie about Eliot and have no Ezra Pound in it. But Willem Defoe did speak just like recordings of Eliot sound, so there's that amusement factor, though I kind of doubt that he would speak like that all the time, even if he was trying to be English. And I watched 8-Legged Freaks which my mom would like everyone to know is a classic of the comedy horror genre, up there with other brilliant films like Tremors and Shaun of the Dead. (I'm in total agreement with her assessment. They're awesome flicks.)
And I've given myself the project of transferring all her recipes from her falling apart notebook onto computer and making her a nice new notebook. So while I'm watching the movies I'm being so selective about, I'm also typing. If you want to know how to make Mac 'N' Cheese with Chipotles, I'll be happy to tell you. The secret's in the cheese, you know.
I played golf, too, and was just as bad as I expected to be. My chip shots are suprisingly adequate, and it is a lovely feeling when you drive the ball and it actually goes somewhere. Hell, it's a lovely feeling when you swing at the ball and don't miss entirely.
I'm vaguely cheery today, even though I didn't make it to the fireworks yesterday, and in spite of my dream last night in which my father died and I castigated some skinny chick thusly: "What kind of ugly whore wears jeans with her underwear showing to a funeral?!?" I think she may have been from America's Next Top Model. The half-Japanese girl from season 2, but dumber. And I was in love with Jess from The Gilmore Girls but we had broken up and it was awkward. I'm viewing this as a warning about what the teevee can do to my mind. Seriously, I'm done. I promise.